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The image shows a very cute child sweeping a room with a broom.

How to avoid loosing your hearing aids

Hearing aids are valuable items and vital to your daily life. An important part of caring for them is learning how not to lose them. Research has shown that the average person spends many hours unnecessarily looking for a small object in their own home.


The small size of the hearing aids is definitely a big advantage, but at the same time it can be a disadvantage if you do not remember where you put them. There are two key things to keep in mind when keeping your hearing aid: routine and safe storage.

The image shows an elder man with hearing aids ,reading his newspaper in his kitchen while cooking.


Try to maintain a consistent use of hearing aids. For example, you wake up every morning and the hearing aids are in their case on your nightstand, from where you pick them up. When showering, you need to place them in a specific place and generally have the same pattern every time you remove them.


If you have to change your routine and you are worried that you may forget where to put them, then we suggest you say out loud to yourself, for example: "My hearing aids are in the bowl on the kitchen table." You could also ask for help from a member of your family by telling them where you left them.

Here the image shows a very old wooden box.

Secure storage

Safe storage is another key factor in keeping your hearing aids safe at all times. A box with lining or dehumidifier is best. This way you know that hearing aids are safe, even if they are not in your ears. Do not put your hearing aids or batteries in your trouser pocket, as they may end up in the washing machine before you even know it.

A carer or nurse hugging and smiling to an elder woman.

Tips for carers

When the hearing aid user has memory problems, tracking items can be difficult. However, being able to hear well is key to communicating with fellow human beings and staying mentally healthy. The goal is to train them to place their hearing aids in the same place each time. You can achieve this, for example, by placing in a prominent place, such as on the nightstand, a box in a bright color, which has a painted ear on the outside.

A baby girl with hearing bte hearing aids.

Good fitting

Finally, let us remember that the hearing aids might fall out of the ear, especially in children and older people who do not pay much attention. Therefore, it is necessary to have support accessories, such as ribbons and clips, and of course to have chosen the right hearing aid, which fits perfectly in the ear, is not loose in it, but also not too tight, so as not to bother you.


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